Play games without ads
Enjoy a seamless and secure gaming experience every time by removing ads for yourself and your friends.
Dr. Emily Carter. — Licensed Therapist
Bergabung dengan 1000+ perusahaan & sekolah di

Permainan premium untuk keseruan yang kompetitif
Lewati penjelasan yang panjang lebar—koleksi kami menampilkan aneka permainan klasik yang sudah dikenal dan dicintai oleh semua orang. Cukup masuk dan mulai bermain!

Kapal Perang
Yang pertama menenggelamkan kapal lawan, dia pemenangnya

Tic Tac Toe
Yang pertama menyejajarkan tiga simbol, dia pemenangnya

Connect 4
Yang pertama menghubungkan empat titik, dia pemenangnya

Yang pertama menghubungkan lima bidak, dia pemenangnya

Yang pertama menskakmat lawan, dia pemenangnya
Simple setup—no technical knowledge required
1.Create a game
Select the game that you want to play and customize the settings if you want. It takes less than 10 seconds to create.
2.Share the link with your friend
Share the game link with your friend or patient (if you’re a therapist). They can play as guests without seeing any ads.
3.Start the game and have fun
When you friend joins, the game is started and you can have fun immediately.
Apa yang akan saya dapatkan?
Tanpa iklan – remove pesky ads for you and your friend. Having a coherent, immersive, and most importantly SAFE gaming experience. Especially relevant when dealing with children. Fully Inclusive – Never let anyone feel left out. has been used by players with mental or physical disabilities. Our simple interface allows everyone to join the fun. Privacy-preserving – Our plan does NOT collect any personal data from you. You can play without having to worry about confidentiality.
Apa yang dikatakan para pelanggan kami?
White's Jr/Sr High School
Mrs. Kara Guiff. — Education Teacher
Odyssey Charter School
Newnan, GA
Mark H. — School teacher
A personal letter from the founder.
Dear player,
I started in 2017 as a way for my colleagues and me to break our boredom in company meetings.
I vividly remember the cheeky smiles and giggles we exchanged while secretly playing Tic Tac Toe on our laptops in the back of the meeting room. We must have spent over 500 hours playing — much to the dismay of our bosses once they finally found out.
Nowadays, I’m on the other side.
I understand how hard it can be for managers, educators, or other remote leaders to engage their teams. In a world littered with distractions and constant busyness, it seems impossible to unite people — especially online. is my attempt to make this just a tad bit easier for you. Use it to engage your team, build connections, or simply break the ice.
(And do so before someone, like me, cheekily does it on their own 😉)
Happy gaming!
David Galvis — Founder of
Tanya jawab
Is inclusive for people with disabilities?
Yes. is inclusive for everyone. Teammates with speech, sight, or hearing impairments as well as mental challenges can join the fun.
Bagaimana saya bisa membatalkannya?
Membatalkan itu sangat mudah; kamu dapat melakukannya sendiri di pengaturan akun. Setelah dibatalkan, kamu tidak akan ditagih lagi.
Dalam mata uang apa ini?
Ini menggunakan Dolar Amerika Serikat.
Apakah pembayarannya aman?
Tentu saja. Semua transaksi dibuat dengan Stripe, yang dikhususkan untuk pembayaran daring. Pelajari lebih lanjut
Apakah ada biaya tersembunyi atau kewajiban kontrak?
Tidak, kami tidak memaksakan kontrak apa pun untuk komitmen jangka panjang atau kewajiban kontrak lainnya. Dan tidak ada tagihan atau biaya tersembunyi.