Home Forums Forum Player never gets kicked after inactivity on the first turn only

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    • James M.
      Post count: 12

      I Love the new timer but theres a flaw. if you join a game and the mover with the 1st move never moves, theyre never timed out. twice sat there for several minutes and , out of frustration, i exited out…i was penalized. appreciate your site. thanks

    • David G.
      Post count: 10
      This is done on purpose, the timer is there mainly to give the quickest player some bunus points in case of draw (which happens a lot in Tic-Tac-Toe). The thing is that in a case of draw, there’s 9 moves in total and it’s not an even number. So, if I start the time once the game starts, the first player would be penalized because he has to do 5 moves against 4 moves of the opponent. This is the reason why.
      Now, the player that don’t play for 40 seconds are automatically kicked out and you get the ELO points as a victory.
      I hope this helps,
    • James M.
      Post count: 12

      hey thanks for replying. thing is the 40 seconds isnt working on the 1st move and of the player that moves 2nd exits from game, they lose points

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by David G..
    • David G.
      Post count: 10

      You’re totally right, I’ve never tested this use case. This is very valuable feedback thanks for reporting it.

      I’ll improve this ASAP and will let you know.

    • James M.
      Post count: 12

      Thanks and i appreciate you great site

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